viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2011

The Simpsons (in English, The Simpsons) is an American comedy series in animation format created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company and issued in several countries. The series is a satire of American society about the life and daily life of a middle class family in that country (which consists of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie Simpson) who lives in a fictional town called Springfield .

TOPICS:The town of Springfield acts as a complete universe that allows characters to deal with the problems of modern society. By having Homer work in a nuclear plant can comment on the state of the environment. Following years of Bart and Lisa to Springfield Elementary School allows writers of the show illustrate controversial issues on the subject of education. The city also has a large number of television stations that allows filmmakers to make jokes about themselves and the world of entertainment.Some commentators have noted that the show is political in nature and susceptible to a left-wing bias. Al Jean admitted in an interview that "We [the show] are of liberal bent." The writers often reveal his penchant for progressive ideas, but make jokes across the political spectrum. The series often presents governments and large corporations as callous entities willing to take up opportunities medio.Por Therefore, the writers often have the authority figures with a dark and unfavorable light. In The Simpsons, politicians are corrupt, ministers such as Reverend Lovejoy church are indifferent to the parishioners and the local police are incompetent.Religion is another major theme, in times of crisis the family often turns its eyes to God, and the series has addressed most of the major religions (like Christianity, Judaism or Hinduism, etc.)


Homer, the father, works as a safety inspector at the nuclear power plant in the sector 7G Springfield, a position at odds with his careless and clownish personal

Marge, a stereotypical housewife and mother with whom he has three children.

Bart, a troubled boy of 10 years.                                    Lisa, a precocious 8 year old activist.

Maggie, a baby who does not speak but communicates by sucking a pacifier.

A dog, Santa's Little Helper, and a cat, Snowball II. Both pets have starred in an episode.

miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011


 ¡Mira los episodios de Popland!     

¡Tú también puedes ser paparazzi!

¡Fiesta Popland!

Carla lives (Sara Cobo)
Carla Vive (Sara Cobo)Carla is a young entrepreneur, different from all the girls in his village. Restless and determined, dreams of building a future as a professional photographer. But the opportunity that presents itself is not what I had imagined: the famous photograph, in the most compromised. Your genes and their context serenity and tell him to get used to ...

Ari Morales (Jon Ecker)Ari Morales (Jon Ecker)Ari is a rock star. Handsome, sexy, intelligent, cheeky, uninhibited. He became famous for a debut album full of hits, and that forces you to think about launching a second job. The whole industry, the media and the fans overwhelm that goal. But Ari does not feel "inspired" by the moment. Tics has the typical rock star of all: create ...

Diego Mesán (Ricardo Abarca)Mesan Diego (Ricardo Abarca)Diego Carla's boyfriend from high school. It was his first and only boy. And for him it was his first and only girl. Your friends know it and understand it: they know that Diego needs the love forward. Not interested in sleeping with any woman, must want. Romeo is a potential. His friends respect him for that, but ... when ...

Katherina McLean (Manuela González)Katherina McLean (Manuela Gonzalez)Katherina Popland owns. And Carla's boss. cold, competitive, and greedy. It is an absolute believed that the money is in the fame and celebrity. She knows because he showed that life. This was a style of this brand of web gossip. Any self-respecting paparazzi that want to work in Popland, but Katherina your thumb up or down ...

Guillermo Jope (Juan Alejandro Gaviria)William Joppa (Juan Alejandro Gaviria)William is the most loyal friend Carla. He's gay and cunning. Upbeat and fun, with a great sense of humor. His problem is that he loved the person quivocada: Horace, the brother of his boss. Guille is also one of the oldest employees Popland. Katherina is respected because he feels it very useful. Like Carla, comes from a ...

Guga Mortols (Sebastián Vega)Guga Mortols (Sebastian Vega)Guga is a paparazzi too ambitious, able to do anything just to get an exclusive. His greatest talent is love girls, and use them to achieve their goals. And his biggest goal is to get, before anyone else, the most precious picture. Nobody knows where you live, or even what his real name. All they know is that it is better ...

Horacio McLean (Pedro Pallares)Horace McLean (Pedro Pallares)Horacio is the brother of Katherine. And number two Popland. Their titles are many, but in practice its functions are zero. Rarely has their own idea. In short: he lives in the shadow of Katherina. Horace, or "Katherine" (as they call her back in Popland), is a winner in appearance, but his inner loser sometimes wins. ...
Trinidad González-Catan (Camila Zárate)Trinidad Gonzalez Catan (Camila Zarate)Trini is the great friend Carla made in the city. It's irreverent, daughter of wealthy and famous for having nothing to do. But as it is a frivolous and all her friends, have concerns and want to prosecute their millions to improve the lives of those who want it. It does not say who it is if you do not recognize. Known about the inequalities of life and boasts ...

Penélope Cardenas (Mariana Balsa)Penelope Cardenas (Mariana Balsa)Penelope is the childhood friend of Carla. A day is in his apartment following his advice to join the big city, if not ruined by boring in the future people. Penelope get a job thanks to Carla, and she frequents the world will be like touching the sky with your hands. But beware: the sweetness of fame can be confusing, and ...

Danny Britone (Lucas Kristo)Briton Danny (Lucas Kristo)Briton Danny is the friend of Ari. He owns a bar near Popland, where members often stop several pages of gossip is exchanged and where all kinds of information and data. Danny is a DJ. And it is quite superb. Often unleash their habit in the bar, where several bands invited to play. Danny and Ari started together in music. But ...

Jerónimo Bolaño (Daniel Tovar)Jerome Bolaño (Daniel Tovar)Jerome is just a cadet Popland and elevators. But hold on to fame as a comedian. Use this work as a claim to fame. Believes that, among the data that may get in Popland, can meet a producer or a famous director. Nothing is further from the truth. It has a large family, so numerous that his father puts it ...

Quintino Reguera (Biassini Segura)Quintino Reguera (Biassini Segura)Quintino is a real nerd. It is responsible for creating the most sophisticated gadgets for the paparazzi: hidden cameras, lenses, automatic, tiny microphones and all kinds of advanced technology. A sort of human GPS website. Carla, fortunately, has its conditions without relying to get their pictures. Quintino's all a geek: sloppy, ...

Fernanda Achával (Giovanna Del Portillo)
Fernanda Achával (Giovanna Del Portillo)Fernanda is the receptionist Popland. It seems shy, but is fun when you animate. Always expect the best in people, but that rarely happens. Is in love with Horatio, who ignores her.However, your man is Jerome knows he's a good man, pure and clean, but it bothers you do not want to compromise. Fernanda spend your time in ...

Jessica Gutman (Alejandra Avila)
Jessica Gutman (Alejandra Avila)Jessica is the girlfriend of Ari. He started as a groupie who saw in him a future rockstar and he was right. Now is also his agent and manager. His character is strong: it solves all the screaming and badly. Jessica knows it's important to Ari, she was the great motivator of their first album, and who got it recorded. Ari means the rise ...

Nicole Martin (Jery Sandoval)
Nicole Martin (Jery Sandoval)Nicole is hot on Popland noter. And is the bride of Guga. It was a model and is aware that generates desire in their co-workers (in fact, use it as a weapon to achieve its tasks).Claims to have 22, but well over 27 (say they have falsified their documents). It is not high enough to stand on the catwalk. ...

miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2011


it is a drama adolecentes where they show the reality of today's adolecencia in day. The series explores a variety of such topics as the death, the suicide, the promiscuity, the virginity, the sociopatía, the homosexuality, the bisexuality, the estrés postraumático, the abuse of substances, the anorexy, the depression psicótica and the autism, among others. the series was created by Bryan Elsley and Jamie Brittain the series it was used for the first time by the channel of MTV and it is conciderada one of the best British series. Their main characters  

Cassie is a solitary and eccentric girl, of absent and unworried parents, victim of a dysfunction nutritious and diverse psychological problems taken place by the factors that modify it day by day that include a low self-esteem hidden under a false positividad and happiness constants, suicidal ideas and the addiction to the drugs.  

Michelle is depicted initially as mainly interested serving him Tony's necessities Stonem to her boyfriend and "looking at shaggable" that she puts as her primary function, you/he/she compared with the interest of Jal Fazer in the clarinet. She is very sure in their appearance; in the website of the Skins in a Myspace-style "on me" the section, she protests that their pictures have not been Photoshopped, and that she is "this showy one in the life" real. She is very conscious that Tony's friend, Sid is in love with her, and sometimes the marvels if he was a good boyfriend that Tony. She is often mad with Tony for him calling their pinches in the reference to their nipples, and protesting that their chests are unequal.  

He/she is lying manipulator and mocking philanderer always bothered to its girlfriend michell and era a linfomana it was jealous apesar that he/she had an accidentey its friend gay maxxie I help him to leave the problem since for the accident that had I am practically without knowledge and some of its best friends were sid  

Maxxie is depicted as skilled to several dance styles, even the dance of the pat. He is also shown as being an intelligent artist,[1] the seductive,[2] it well-liked and it well-adjusted. He is some a comedian, particularly with the best friends Anwar Kharral and Chris Thousands. According to Myspace-style "about me" section on the Skins website,[3] there am you describe his favorite things ace toast, boys, dancing, drawing, Arcade Fire and the Sistine Chapel.  

Sid is depicted initially like a virgin that is in love with its better friend Tony's girlfriend Stonem, Michelle Richardson, although he understands after its true feelings are for Cassie Ainsworth. Manipulated by Tony, he is frequently unfortunate; losing an expensive quantity of weed, you hit to for the siblings of Jal Fazer, you urinated ahead by a dog and a homeless person. He is also at the beginning forgotten to their friend's machinations better than, aware of Sid Michelle's adoration is fading, feats him for its entertainment. In spite of this, does he seem, at least in the earliest episodes, to idolize Tony, answering to the question 'is it that all you Sid makes, do wait with Tony? ' with 'quite a lot.'

jueves, 6 de octubre de 2011


Happy Tree Friends (in Spanish: the Happy Tree Friends, abbreviated HTF) is an animated series for adults. It was created by Rhode Montijo, Kenn Navarro and Aubrey Ankrum to Mondo Mini Shows. Noted for its extremely violent and gory humor (bloody), which contrasts with its characters who are tender-looking animals. The series achieved great success since its inception in 2000 online and has been broadcast on television in several countries since then.EPISODES:The series consists of short chapters in which one or more characters, angelic-looking animals suffer a bloody and violent death. Despite this, the characters reappear in new episodes no matter what will happen in the past. No discussions: when a character speaks only emits gurgling or laughing, even if the situations presented are simple and understandable from the context. At the end is a moral about this subject in the episode.According to its creators, the series is a parody of how children's entertainment has changed in recent times, from the old cartoons in which ludicrous violence was cause for celebration, even today, cutting more educational.HAPPY TREE FRIENDS BREAKS:Are Minicapitulos Happy Tree Friends, there are four so far:Seize the DayCharacters: Lumpy and Cuddles.Summary: Lumpy and Cuddles are playing computer games, and Cuddles had a fit of epilepsy. Lumpy unsuccessfully try to revive him.Survivors: LumpyChore LoserCharacters: Pop & CubSummary: Cub is playing the console, then appears and orders him Pop rake.Pop, seeing the console, grabs her and starts to play, liked the game and addicted, while it destroys a dog Cub and the window is a tetris game made up of different parts of the body of Cub.Survivors: PopDeck the HallsCharacters: Lumpy, Cuddles, Giggles and Toothy.Summary: The characters singing a Christmas song and then killed by a falling stalactites on them.Happy New yearCharacters: Cuddles, Giggles, Toothy, Petunia, Lumpy, Nutty, Sniffles, Flaky, The Mole, Pop, Cub, Handy, Lifty, Shifty, Disco Bear, Mime, Cro-Marmot Russel.Summary: In the movies, Lumpy arrives quickly and kills Cuddles (curiously), Russel and Flaky.Después to film a candedario falls and kills Petunia, Toothy and Giggles Nutty. Finally the film reels to Lumpy descurtizando end.Survivors: all except Cuddles, Giggles, Toothy, Petunia, Lumpy, Nutty, Flaky Russel.CHARACTERS:The characters of Happy Tree Friends (Happy Tree Friends) are brightly colored anthropomorphic animals whose natural habitat is the temperate forest. Most of them show two incisors in the mouth and nose pink, small heart-shaped, similar to those of the Bears and also show two eyes like two black eyes and shape of the classic video game character Pac- Man The characters play roles in child, youth or adults depending on each episode. The exceptions are Pop (dad) and Cub (puppy), they always do father and son Lumpy (lumpy), which always makes an adult and is also morphologically different from the other characters (it is a light blue moose with a horn twisted). There are characters such as Cuddles (hugging) or Toothy (toothy), whose personality is poorly defined [citation needed] and that usually appear in all situations throughout the series. Other characters have specific characteristics which are, in many cases, the cause of disasters and misfortunes that occur to characters such as blindness or the Mole The Mole's superpowers Splendid (Splendid). Other characters in this series are Nutty (almond), with its craze for candy, Flippy (mad), is a veteran of the Second World War and a British Special Air Service belongs to the instinct that awakens the murderer to see or hear things about the war (a woodpecker that is mistaken for gunfire or ketchup mistaken for blood), Mime (mime), a mime looks like a deer, Petunia, obsessed with cleanliness, Giggles (giggles), large friends, Flaky (squamous) who is afraid of everything, Disco Bear related to a large disco, girls and the 80s, Lifty (thief) and Shifty (clever), the brothers raccoon thieves that always appear together, Handy (useful) a beaver with no hands and Russell otter pirate. Mondo Mini Shows addition, to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the series, decided to incorporate a new character chosen to vote. Finally, on April 2, 2010 confirmed the incorporation of Lammy, a sheep with white wool jersey morphologically similar to the others, and Mr. Pickels (Lord pickle), a cucumber with a mustache and top hat that accompanies it.

martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011

alejo y valentina

Alejo y Valentina was created in 2002 by Alexander Szykula developed in Macromedia Flash. It began being shown on the Internet and over the following years until 2005, he won some fame in the Spanish-speaking countries and especially in Argentina. It is also famous, in that order of popularity in Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Mexico, Spain, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Ecuador, United States, Bolivia, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Honduras, China, Japan, Israel and Guatemala.The series originally had a season of 17 episodes online. Due to its increasing popularity and after joining to work with Nelson Galatto (dubbing-imitator) and Paul Zimmerman (representative), in 2004, the driver invited Alejandro Marcelo Tinelli Szykula a personal talk, where he proposed to include Videomatch the series. Tinelli said the series to air broadcasting a snippet of "Mark King". Szykula Alexander claims to have had a problem with someone that integrated the production of the program and would have said "A Marcelo is not going to like this, we can not put the air ...", and that she would like to speak to Tinelli to make things clear, because he saw that no more. Later, in 2005, Alexander was contacted by MTV Latin America, which channel is being broadcast yet, originally sudden appearances at the end of program 'The 10 + Orders'. The first season was so successful that MTV took a second, with equal or greater success than the first, why was the third, showing a total of 53 chapters in TV. The 4th season was announced for October 2009. The series is characterized by its simplistic animation style, with characters often looking forward (some similarity it has with South Park), for their exaggerated mannerisms of speech and customs of that country, especially the arguments and the type of humor(cutting absurd and often based on parodies of famous films) which helps to give much of his comedy to the series. Has had a special appearance by Homer Simpson, voiced by Humberto Vélez (who played his voice to Latin America), lunch with Carlitox episode. He also had the appearance of characters such as Doctor Socolinsky Argentina (in the episode of Extraordinary Madness Get out); Julian Weich (in the saga Kill Rick), Mario Bros (rick kill in the series, of Guillermo Francella (special chapter Project School), Dante Spinetta (in What jumps, crazy?) Teto Medina (in The Curse of Topo Chicho), Gustavo "spoons" Los Autenticos Decadentes Parisi (in Matte coated Factory) and the rock band Kapanga ( in The Truth of the Milange). Scenarios: House: He always appears in the early episodes when the bird says the introduction or any of your comments. You can see a house with yellow walls, red roof with lyrics that say "home" or "new house" on the right is a large trunk that is a tree that is so high that you can not see the end, within the live tree the bird. Also you can see another tree to the left of the house and and a cloud in the sky behind this is the sun. Living: This is the scenario that most appear in the series. You can see the sofa that has written "SOFA", a pink carpet, the TV that says "TV" a painting on the wall on the left side of the sofa that says "Squares". Although shown in its entirety the living room includes a computer and a potted flower to the right of the couch and a stereo, a bedside table with a phone on top, blue curtains with a window that sometimes change shape in some episodes Kitchen: One of the scenarios that appear in the series less.Appears in "Horror Special", "Extraordinary Madness," "The Exorcist" (Special extended Terror), "Get out" (Extraordinary Madness extended) and "You have to have sex." Bedroom: This is another scenario that fewer appear in the series.The room has a queen size bed with two bedside tables with lamps. Bathroom: This scenario could be the least appears in the series. It is a toilet, a mirror with a first aid kit, a bathtub, a sink, a toilet paper dispenser and towel. It has blue tiles with the size of an old bathroom tiles and floor with great light blue color. Auto: Belongs to Carlitox and appears in some episodes of the first season. In the glass is written "AUTO". Carlitox House: A photo taken at a real house, made a few appearances in season four. Depending on the image it seems that the house is located on the outskirts of the city between the mountains. Eater Carlitox house: A large room with a long table in a vertical and a TV. In some episodes the table is shorter and is horizontally, the TV is not in the top left corner is a computer and in the other corner is a door that can communicate with the kitchen. Old House: Located on the city and above the gate was written "OLD". He has appeared in a few episodes, mostly in the first and second season. Characters: Alejo It measures 1.80 m. 22 years Valentina's boyfriend and best friend Carlitox, El Viejo, Gregory and Matthew, his skin is white, like that of Valentina. It is characterized by a person who stands up for others if it is for your convenience and is verbally aggressive and sometimes absurd grounds. It is a fan of River Plate. Use purple shirt and black pants. It also features rare ask questions. As an example, when someone stands in front of him, often asking "You're God?" As in Chapter Alejo y Valentina against the living dead, one asks Zombie, "You're the living dead?", another is that when you see Calitox asked "what's your name?" when he knows your name. When you really get angry becomes a kind of Hulk. Valentina Is 22 years old and measures 1.75 m. Alejo's girlfriend, best friend Carlitox, El Viejo, Gregory and Matthew, his skin is white, like that of Alejo. Talk to a singing tone. It is characterized by blank, simple and true. It has a pink gown, tight and black hair. It is a parody of a former girlfriend of the author. He likes sandwiches and is a fan of Boca Juniors. Carlitox Best friend of both, and also from El Viejo, Gregory and Matthew, is 18, measures 1.20 m, has green hair and is a fan of Rosario Central. Floating know, has visions, a UFO, a capsule to travel by chapter, a car that travels through time, an X-Wing, a Ferrari, a collection of ancient swords, walking alone a chair, a bar detector,etc. Colorines a bailer. All these are artifacts stored in your garage and never used (resulting need to keep your car in the garage of a TV studio, for lack of space). He had another UFO in his garage but sold it to buy the X-Wing. According to an episode of the fourth season of Alejo and Valentina, his father before going to war to save things he said which caused so much Carlitox have in your garage and take their places before they are lost. Sometimes behave in absurd and is the only other reasons. In the first chapter, he only says a few lines without importance, but in the following begins to gain prominence. Old Cane Usually wears a long gray robe, cane, long hair and lead, best friend Alejo, Valentina, Carlitox, Gregory and Matthew. The author has confirmed that comes from Sicily, Italy. Almost always at the end of every sentence he says the word viteh ("Vista"). Often plays a role of sage. One of his qualities is to appear suddenly in places.It chacarita fan. His best-known phrase is "But, Vo 'so crazy, viteh" (But, you're crazy, Vista), or "Put that there are types, viteh". It is always rejected the "old" as this wedding with "the mustachioed" and keeps repeating the same situations: When the Old Man was about she said "No, let me" and goes, and the old saying "The I have dead viteh. " In "Roots" on account of its history: it was created by God before the creation of the earth, and told God is light, viteh, water does, viteh, then hit the ground, viteh, then do people , viteh and when it appeared a kind of pink goat he said: Get me the bug, viteh. Ort Gregory He is 22 years. Well-intentioned, big and blond, says working as a cameraman and owns a bar called "The Gregory Bar" best friend Alejo, Valentina, Carlitox, El Viejo and Matthias. Talk effeminate voice serious and tends to make lighter and irrelevant comments.Have problems with continence, is heavy and hard of shyness with girls, especially with Panchita. Usually when you feel shy or afraid, they tend to say "Oops Fuck" ("I do poop"), covering the buttocks with both hands. Gained prominence in the second season and becoming one of the main protagonists in the 3 rd. Usually avenge the taunts of Matthias to use the word "idiot" (a phrase typically used by Matthias) against it. In season two famous songs is sung with typical feminine tone, stretching his arms upward. In the episode Alejo vs. Mario Baracus appears opposite his double, who has the character and appearance of a menacing, masculine man. He said gay in the episode "Roots". Racing fan is in contradiction to their qualities. Also in the second season revealed he has a sister named Judith.